Strategic Plan


We will create and maintain a list of skilled and knowledgeable teachers within each region.  These teachers will serve as a reference for teachers needing support. We will ensure the list is updated and available for members.

Action Items: 

In response to members requesting guidance in membership development in our organization, NCATA is proposing these steps to help accomplish the goals above. 


- Teachers will join our organization by paying yearly dues. 

- Teachers will become members of a NCATA committee. (Within 3 years of joining NCATA) NCATA Standing committees: Finance- Constitution & Bylaws- Strategic Planning- Public Relations- Legislative- Member Services- Nominations 


-Members utilize our NCATA website for resources and information about our organization.

-Members will become more aware of the political process of the NCATA and the value it has to our organization.

-Members will network with other teachers in our organization to gain knowledge and  relationships.


-Members will attend professional development opportunities offered through NCATA, NAAE, FFA and other relevant workshops and conferences. 


-Members will be recognized as leaders in our profession through awards from NCATA and NAAE. 

-Members can serve as regional Vice Presidents and officers within the NCATA organization.

-Members will serve other teachers and members through workshop presentations, mentoring and networking.